Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Flooding In our classroom

Flooding in our classroom!
On Monday 28th of May 2012.
Room 3 had an enormous flood in our classroom. When our teacher Whaea Margo stepped into our soggy, soaking, squishy, wet carpet she could smell the disgusting, vulgar stink in the air.
 Everybody was moaning because it smelted like something had died under our classroom. It could have been Mr Taylor because he has been away from school for a term. WE HOPE NOT!
Because of this strange stink in the air, from the carpet, Room 3 had to work in the learning centre which meant that all the other classes had to miss out changing their library books this week. HOW SAD!
 Today it still smells like rotten toe-jams, and we hope to be back in our cosy warm and beautiful classroom SOON. Hopefully the disgusting horrible smell will vanish away.
By: Anahira and Sarah.  


Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Room 3 is learning about Sustainability. We had to make a storyboard about what our message was going to be and this helped us to sequence our ideas as well. This was awesome. Once we did the storyboard we created clay figures and filmed or took pictures of then to make a movie of them.  Piper and I chose to use a clayamation program.
Here is a picture of our clay figures.

                             Written by Taelyn and Piper

Room 3's Learning Websites

Go to http://www.coolmath.com/
Go to www.learninggamesforkids.com
Go to www.miamiopia.com

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Decorating pumice

This week room 3 had a beautiful teacher in our classroom called Mrs Sutherland.   We were learning about pumice. First we painted it light blue so the design on our rock will show. After we let it dry, we painted a fern design on our awesome pumice. We were all proud of our artwork because it looks great.


Last term we had a challange to make the strongest,stablest and biggest waka.We got half an hour to do it all.We had three groups.Group 1 won,group 2 came 2nd and group 3 came 3rd because theirs looked like a bathtub and they had a thing that looked like a tap but luckly the tap didnt have water in it.We had to make it out of Ice-block sticks,newspaper,celotape and it had to be able to sit one person in it.Group 1's leader was Stephen.Group 3 had to judge out of group 1 and 2, as you heard group 1 won.

Written by Piper and Jazmine

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

young leaders day

The Best Day Ever!

Monday the 7th May 2012.   All the leaders in our school were invited to go to a young leaders day in Rotorua.
When we arrived we retrieved our wrist bands from the reception desk and took a photo of our  school leaders by the pou in the middle of the entrance.
After getting our bearings we went to the auditorium where we were ushered to our seats.  The announcer said that there were 2000 pepole in the room today.
The cameras were all  around us and we could wave out to then and ever now-and-then they would freeze the image on the screen. 
Next we got to meet our hosts who introduced each speaker.
The speakers names were Nick,poi terei,cam,ruth,dave and a photogrfor.We lernt to stick up for wahat is right 2 choose good friends 3 belive in others 4 live for others.
Give crdtit to others and anything is posepole.It was the best day ever

                                                                 By Stephen and Stephan                                                                                                

Camp 2012

On the 21st to the 23rd March room 3 and room 5 went on a year 5/6 camp at Papamoa by Mount Maunganui. We went snorkelling, rock climbing and we also climbed Mount  Maunganui. On the last day we went to Waimarino which is a exiting water park. They had kayaks, the blob, a water slide, diving boards and we were able to accomplish the hydro-slide in a kayak or on a mat. There was a little hot pool and beside it there was a water-slide were  we had to slide on our knees. Our instructor Priscilla told us how to use all the equipment and she also said that we weren't allowed to use three swear words which were freezing, cold and can’t. Camp was fun until it was time to go back to school.

                                                 By Sarah And Taelyn


Room 3 has been learning all about Anzac day. We had to get into groups and we each chose a card which had a photo at the front and a story and an activity at the back of the card. One group had to make Anzac cookies and i was in that group. When we made the first batch of  Anzac cookies it tasted vulgar because we put too much baking powder in it. The second batch of Anzac cookies I tried was full of goodness and were the most delicous Anzac cookies i have ever had. YUMMY!!
By: Lani & Anahira.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


              Kotahitanga was Room 3's inquiry focus for term 1.  

Kotahitanga in our classroom means oneness, harmony and unity.  This looks like helping one another, being respectful, caring for others, honesty.  In our environment it looks like cleanliness in our 
classroom, picking up rubbish in the school, tuakana/teina.