Flooding in our classroom!
On Monday 28th of May 2012.
Room 3 had an enormous flood in our classroom. When our teacher Whaea Margo stepped into our soggy, soaking, squishy, wet carpet she could smell the disgusting, vulgar stink in the air.
Everybody was moaning because it smelted like something had died under our classroom. It could have been Mr Taylor because he has been away from school for a term. WE HOPE NOT!
Because of this strange stink in the air, from the carpet, Room 3 had to work in the learning centre which meant that all the other classes had to miss out changing their library books this week. HOW SAD!
Today it still smells like rotten toe-jams, and we hope to be back in our cosy warm and beautiful classroom SOON. Hopefully the disgusting horrible smell will vanish away.
By: Anahira and Sarah.